Saulo Ribeiro, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Saulo Ribeiro

Brazilian martial artist

Date of Birth: 02-Jul-1974

Place of Birth: Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Profession: athlete

Nationality: Brazil

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Saulo Ribeiro

  • Saulo Ribeiro (born July 2, 1974), brother of the equally famed Xande Ribeiro, is a 5th-degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
  • After earning a black belt in Judo, he began his training of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Rio de Janeiro under Royler Gracie, the son of Hélio Gracie, at the famous Gracie Humaitá.Saulo received his black belt in BJJ on November 27, 1995.
  • Less than 2 years later, he won his first MMA fight.
  • He also won the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship five times, in an equal amount of varying weight classes.

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