Sean Kimberley L'Estrange (born 19 September 1967) is an Australian politician.
He is the Member for the Western Australian Legislative Assembly seat of Churchlands.
He was the Minister for Finance; Minister for Mines and Petroleum; and Minister for Small Business in the Barnett-Liberal Government of Western Australia.
In Opposition he has held the role of Manager of Opposition Business and Shadow Minister portfolios of Mines and Petroleum; Economic Development; Defence Issues; Innovation and ICT; Science; Health; and Mental Health.
He is currently the Shadow Minister for Corrective Services and Housing.
L'Estrange was born in Perth, Western Australia.
He holds a bachelor's degree of Education (majoring in Economics), a master's degree of Educational Leadership, a Graduate Diploma of Resource Management, and a Graduate Diploma of Management (majoring in Defence Studies).
He is also a graduate of the Australian Defence Force Command and Staff College.