Hassan Cissé, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hassan Cissé

Senegalese Sifi leader

Date of Birth: 04-Dec-1945

Place of Birth: Kaolack, Senegal

Date of Death: 14-Aug-2008

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Hassan Cissé

  • Shaykh Hassan Cisse (1945–2008), also written Cheikh Assane Cissé or Shaykh Hasan Cisse (also Sise or Seesay), was an Islamic scholar, Sufi shaykh and humanitarian activist who served as Imam of an international Muslim community in Medina Baye (or "Baay") in Kaolack, Senegal, West Africa.He is the son of Sidi Ali Cissé and Fatima Zahra Niasse; and grandson of Ibrahim Niass, also spelled "Niasse" (died 1975), who was a Shaykh of the Tijaniyyah Tariqa and head of the largest Muslim community in twentieth-century West Africa and initiator of the largest branch of the Tijaniyyah Tariqa.
  • Shaykh Hassan himself became one of the preeminent leaders of Tijaniyyah, leading millions of followers in more than 40 countries and unifying diverse cultures under the banner of Islam.
  • Also a devoted humanitarian, he campaigned against disease (especially polio, malaria and HIV-AIDS), poverty and gender, and racial and religious discrimination throughout the African continent and beyond.
  • He died on August 13, 2008, as witnessed and confirmed by his brother the Chief Imam of Medina-Kaolack, his Senior Advisor and Close Companion, Cheikh Diery Cisse and American Scholar, Zakariyah Wright, in Kaolack, Senegal.
  • His brother Ahmad Tijani Ali Cisse (born 1955) is current spiritual leader of the Tijaniyya Tariqa.

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