Sheikh Anwarul Haq, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Sheikh Anwarul Haq

Chief Justice of Pakistan

Date of Birth: 11-May-1917

Place of Birth: Jalandhar, Punjab, India

Date of Death: 03-Mar-1995

Profession: judge

Nationality: Pakistan

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Sheikh Anwarul Haq

  • Chief Justice Sheikh Anwarul Haq (Urdu: ??? ????? ?????? ; 11 May 1917 – 3 March 1995), was a Pakistani jurist and an academic who served as the Chief Justice of Pakistan from 23 September 1977 until resigning on 25 March 1981. Educated as an economist at the DAV College and the Punjab University in Lahore, he served as a civil servant of the Indian Civil Service as an appointee to lead the municipal governance in the British India in 1944.
  • He continued serving in the civil service after the independence of Pakistan as a result of partition of British India in 1947 and subsequently elevated as a judge in the Sindh High Court in 1957. In 1962, he was nominated to be served in the Supreme Court and later appointed as Chief Justice of Lahore High Court in 1970 before his reappointment as a Senior Justice of the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1971.
  • He 1972, he earned public and international notability when he co-chaired the War Enquiry Commission with Chief Justice Hamoodur Rahman to investigate the economic and military collapse of Pakistan in a war against India in 1971 that led to the succession of East Pakistan as Bangladesh. He was known for his judicial conservative philosophical leanings and is noted in country's political history for providing legality for the martial law upheld by chief of army staff General Zia-ul-Haq to restore law and order, in the light of doctrine of necessity, as part of his conservative leanings.
  • He also heard the case of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and controversially upheld the capital sentence by the Lahore High Court for authorizing the murder of a political opponent.
  • In 1981, Haq notably refused to take an oath under the imposed PCO, resigning on conscientious grounds.

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