Sie Holliday, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Sie Holliday

Los Angeles radio personality, one of the narrators of the Pop Chronicles.

Date of Birth: 10-Nov-1930

Date of Death: 23-Jun-2006

Profession: disc jockey, radio personality

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Sie Holliday

  • Sie Holliday (pronounced "sigh holiday") was the radio name of Shirley Schneider (November 10, 1930 – June 23, 2006).
  • She was a Los Angeles radio personality at KRLA 1962–76 (where she was one of the narrators of the Pop Chronicles) and KMPC 1976–78.
  • She had been reading promos for KRLA 1110, when in 1962 they put her on the air from 6-10 p.m.
  • Sundays, making her the first female disk jockey in Los Angeles.

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