Ashin Nyanissara (Burmese: ??????) best known as Sitagu Sayadaw (????????????), is a meditation teacher and prolific Buddhist scholar.
He is also founder and head of the Sitagu Buddhist Academies.
His work as a teacher began in 1977 and encompasses religious, educational, medical and infrastructural activities.
He travels worldwide to promote his humanitarian efforts and for interfaith dialogue.
He became "Shwegyin Nikaya Uppaokkahta" which translates as "Joint Leading Head of Shwegyin Nikarya (Shwegyin Sanga Organization) of Myanmar" in 2012.
In May 2017, Sitagu Sayadaw preached a sermon in Kayin State to Myanmar Army officers likely to be involved with the Rohingya genocide that "appeared to suggest that the killing of those who are not Buddhist could be justified on the grounds that they were not complete humans, or indeed humans at all".