Slymenstra Hymen, Date of Birth


Slymenstra Hymen

legendary stage performer, female heavy metal singer

Date of Birth: 27-Nov-1967

Profession: singer

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Slymenstra Hymen

  • Slymenstra Hymen was Gwar's dancer, bodyguard, and occasional singer portrayed by Danielle Stampe.Slymenstra contributed backup vocals on most Gwar albums during her time with the band.
  • Slymenstra and Oderus Urungus are featured in a duet titled "Fire in the Loins," on the RagNaRok album.
  • "Don't Need A Man," written by Michael Derks and appearing on Carnival Of Chaos, was the first Gwar song to feature Slymenstra solo on lead vocals.
  • "My Girly Ways," featured on We Kill Everything, also featured Slymenstra in what would be the character's final song as a lead vocalist.
  • Stampe left Gwar in 2000 but returned for one final tour with the group in 2002.

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