Karl Löwith (9 January 1897 – 26 May 1973) was a German philosopher in the phenomenological tradition.
He was a student of Husserl and Heidegger.
Löwith was one of the most prolific German philosophers of the twentieth century; the bibliography of his works comprising more than 300 titles.
He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature.
His main influences include Heidegger, Hegel, Nietzsche, and Kierkegaard.
His writing after WWII can be read in the same vein as other Christian philosophers and theologians of the 20th century.
Often called responses to "crisis", Christian intellectuals of this era, such as Karl Barth (protestant), Florovksy (Orthodox), and Erich Przywara (Roman Catholic), attempted to articulate an understanding of Christian faith in response to the challenges of scientism, secularism, and skepticism.