Stan Rose, Date of Birth


Stan Rose

American businessman

Date of Birth: 02-Feb-1956

Profession: businessperson, biotechnologist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Stan Rose

  • Stan Rose (born February 2, 1956) is a Ph.D.
  • biologist, seasoned biotechnology executive, and serial entrepreneur.
  • Dr.
  • Rose has spent over two decades working with leading scientists and clinicians to create substantial commercial value from inventions based on genome technology. Dr.
  • Rose is co-founder, Director and CEO of Transplant Genomics, a molecular diagnostic services company commercializing tests to improve outcomes for organ transplant recipients by enabling personalized immunosuppression.
  • He is President of Rose Ventures, a firm that provides consulting and directing to select clients in the life science research products space, and manages a portfolio of public and private equity investments.
  • Dr.
  • Rose is a Director of Invenra, a company focused on discovering the next generation of best-in-class biologics, with an emphasis on antibodies and their derivatives.
  • He serves as Chief Business Advisor for SerumDPT Bioscience, who are developing the first device enabling real-time isolation of plasma from drawn blood without centrifuging.
  • He is also a member of the Executive Board of Solving Organ Shortage, a non-profit foundation whose mission is to promote a unifying vision to solve the organ shortage through close scientific collaboration and inspired public policy. Highlights from his 25+ year career in the genomics research products business include serving as CEO of NimbleGen Systems, Inc., a microarray products company, from 2003 through its acquisition by Roche for $272.5 million in 2007; co-founding and growing Genetic MicroSystems, a microarray instrumentation company that was acquired by Affymetrix for $280 million in 2000; and directing the PCR business for Perkin-Elmer and Applied Biosystems during its most dynamic growth phase in the 1990s.
  • Dr.
  • Rose was a Director of Cellular Dynamics International, acquired by FujiFilm in 2015, and Chair of the Market Advisory Board for Cyvek, acquired by Bio-Techne in 2014.
  • Dr.
  • Rose received his B.A.
  • from Cornell University and his Ph.D.
  • from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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