biologist, seasoned biotechnology executive, and serial entrepreneur.
Rose has spent over two decades working with leading scientists and clinicians to create substantial commercial value from inventions based on genome technology.
Rose is co-founder, Director and CEO of Transplant Genomics, a molecular diagnostic services company commercializing tests to improve outcomes for organ transplant recipients by enabling personalized immunosuppression.
He is President of Rose Ventures, a firm that provides consulting and directing to select clients in the life science research products space, and manages a portfolio of public and private equity investments.
Rose is a Director of Invenra, a company focused on discovering the next generation of best-in-class biologics, with an emphasis on antibodies and their derivatives.
He serves as Chief Business Advisor for SerumDPT Bioscience, who are developing the first device enabling real-time isolation of plasma from drawn blood without centrifuging.
He is also a member of the Executive Board of Solving Organ Shortage, a non-profit foundation whose mission is to promote a unifying vision to solve the organ shortage through close scientific collaboration and inspired public policy.
Highlights from his 25+ year career in the genomics research products business include serving as CEO of NimbleGen Systems, Inc., a microarray products company, from 2003 through its acquisition by Roche for $272.5 million in 2007; co-founding and growing Genetic MicroSystems, a microarray instrumentation company that was acquired by Affymetrix for $280 million in 2000; and directing the PCR business for Perkin-Elmer and Applied Biosystems during its most dynamic growth phase in the 1990s.
Rose was a Director of Cellular Dynamics International, acquired by FujiFilm in 2015, and Chair of the Market Advisory Board for Cyvek, acquired by Bio-Techne in 2014.