Stephanie "Steph" Davis (born 1973) is an American rock climber, BASE jumper, and wingsuit flyer.
She is one of the world's leading climbers, having completed some of the hardest routes in the world.
She is the first woman to have soloed a 5.11 grade climb, the first woman to summit all the peaks of the Fitzroy Range in Patagonia, the second woman to free climb El Capitan in a day, the first woman to free climb the Salathe Wall on El Capitan, the first woman to free solo The Diamond on Longs Peak in Colorado, and the first woman to summit Torre Egger.
Davis was married to fellow climbers and BASE jumpers Dean Potter and Mario Richard (both of whom died wingsuiting), and currently to sky-diving instructor, and flyer and jumper Ian Mitchard.
Davis is also a blogger, writing about her interests in climbing, BASE jumping, yoga, and veganism.