Stephen Freind, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Stephen Freind

American politician

Date of Birth: 22-Apr-1944

Place of Birth: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Profession: politician

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

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About Stephen Freind

  • Stephen F.
  • Freind (born April 22, 1944) is an American politician from Pennsylvania who served as a Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the 166th district from 1976 until 1993.
  • He unsuccessfully challenged Arlen Specter in the 1992 Republican primary election.
  • He was most notable for authoring a law that was presented as a tort reform measure but was actually designed to restrict abortion rights, that included "requirements that a married woman notify her husband, that there be a 24-hour wait before any abortion, and that doctors show patients a pamphlet with pictures of developing fetuses".
  • It was mostly upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States except for the spousal notification provision in the case of Planned Parenthood v.
  • Casey.In 1988, Freind provoked controversy by claiming that it is 'almost impossible' for a woman to become pregnant through rape, as it causes her to 'secrete a certain secretion, which has a tendency to kill sperm'.In 1984, a bill drafted by Freind was enacted into law that changed the way adults who were adopted as children access their original birth certificates.
  • This became Act 195 of 1984 or Adoption Act of 1984.
  • This act is a lesser-known component of Freind's abortion agenda.
  • Freind was convinced that denying adult adoptees access to their original birth certificates would lower abortion rates.
  • As of 2012, 44 states allow adult adoptees equal access to their original birth certificates.

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