is an Indian Civil-Servant and former 'Officer on Special Duty' for the Indian Prime Minister Dr.
Manmohan Singh.
On March 9, 2005 the Prime Minister appointed the 'Sachar Committee' to study the "social, economic and educational status" of India's minority Muslim community.
Mahmood worked with the Sachar Committee to submit its report to the Government of India within two years on November 17, 2006.
He has since given numerous talks in and outside India on the topic.
In his presentations at Case Western Reserve University and Harvard University's John F.
Kennedy School of Government he has commented on the steps forward to bridge the economic, social and educational divide of Indian Muslims.During President George W.
Bush's 2006 visit to India, the U.S.
President convened an interfaith meeting in New Delhi and Dr.
Mahmood was one of the representatives of Indian Muslims.