Sylvia Mendez, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Sylvia Mendez

American activist

Date of Birth: 07-Jun-1936

Place of Birth: Santa Ana, California, United States

Profession: activist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Sylvia Mendez

  • Sylvia Mendez (born June 7, 1936) is an American civil rights activist of Mexican-Puerto Rican heritage.
  • At age eight, she played an instrumental role in the Mendez v.
  • Westminster case, the landmark desegregation case of 1946.
  • The case successfully ended de jure segregation in California and paved the way for integration and the American civil rights movement.Mendez grew up during a time when most southern and southwestern schools were segregated.
  • In the case of California, Hispanics were not allowed to attend schools that were designated for "Whites" only and were sent to the so-called "Mexican schools." Mendez was denied enrollment to a "Whites" only school, an event which prompted her parents to take action and together organized various sectors of the Hispanic community who filed a lawsuit in the local federal court.
  • The success of their action, of which Sylvia was the principal catalyst, would eventually bring to an end the era of segregated education.
  • She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian honor, on February 15, 2011.

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