Taeghwan Hyeon (born in 1964) is a South Korean chemist.
He is SNU distinguished professor in the School of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Seoul National University, director of Center for Nanoparticle Research of Institute for Basic Science (IBS), and an associate editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society.Hyeon is recognized by his pioneering work in chemical synthesis of uniformly sized nanocrystals and various applications of functional nanomaterials.
In 2011, he was listed as the 37th most cited chemist and the 19th in materials science among “Top 100 Chemists” of the decade by UNESCO&IUPAC.
He has published over 350 papers in prominent international journals with more than 50,000 citations and an h-index of 120.
Since 2014, he has been listed as a “Highly Cited Researcher” in Chemistry and Materials Science areas by Clarivate Analytics.