Tarik Ergin, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Tarik Ergin

American actor

Date of Birth: 07-Jun-1961

Place of Birth: Hingham, Massachusetts, United States

Profession: actor, television actor, film actor

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Tarik Ergin

  • Tarik Ergin (born June 7, 1961) is an American actor. Ergin was born in Hingham, Massachusetts of Turkish descent.
  • He played the part of Lieutenant Junior Grade Ayala in Star Trek: Voyager, as well as "Satan's Robot" from the Captain Proton holodeck program and Lt.
  • Coris Sprint in the Star Trek: Borg computer game.
  • He was only credited as Ayala in episodes "Fury" and "Renaissance Man".
  • He was credited as "Security Guard" in Fury and "Tactical N.D." In Renaissance Man even though he worked at the conn and spoke dialogue (because N.D stands for Non-Dialogue). Prior to his roles on Star Trek, he played minor roles in episodes of Red Shoe Diaries and in the movie Improper Conduct in 1994. Ergin has been a lifelong lacrosse player, and served as a professional player and coach with the Hollywood Lacrosse Club in 2010.
  • In addition, he has been the head coach of the Oak Park Lacrosse Varsity team at Oak Park High School in Ventura County since 2011.

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