Ted Nace (born 1956) is an American writer, publisher, and environmentalist notable for his critique of corporate personhood and his anti-coal activism.
He co-founded Peachpit Press from his house and grew it into a substantive publisher of computer-related books; it grew quickly, according to a report in the San Francisco Chronicle.
In 2008 he became active in efforts to block the development and use of coal power plants in the United States which promotes protests such as sit–ins at coal mines and banks.
He was described in the Huffington Post as "one of the amazing brains and strategists behind the anti-coal movement." In 2008 he co-founded the wiki CoalSwarm (now Global Energy Monitor), a San Francisco-based website to share information similar to Wikipedia and Citizendium but focusing on anti-coal advocacy.
He is also a free-lance writer living in San Francisco and has written essays which have appeared in publications such as Orion Magazine.