Temel Kotil, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Temel Kotil

Turkish aeronautical engineer

Date of Birth: 03-Dec-1959

Place of Birth: Rize, Turkey

Profession: engineer, entrepreneur

Nationality: Turkey

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Temel Kotil

  • Temel Kotil (born 1959 in Trabzon, Turkey) is an aeronautical engineer and served as the General Manager and previously served as a CEO of the Turkish Airlines from April 2005 to October 2016.He graduated in Aeronautical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University with a B.Sc degree in 1983.
  • Awarded a scholarship by the Turkish Ministry of Industry in 1984, he was educated at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (USA), where he obtained an M.Sc degree in Aerospace Engineering in 1986 and another M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering in 1987 from the same university.
  • Kotil continued his studies there and received his Ph.D.
  • in Mechanical Engineering in 1991. After returning home in 1991, he was appointed an associate chair in the Department of Aeronautical Engineering at Istanbul Technical University.
  • He founded and managed the laboratories of aircraft design, structural mechanics and advance computational mechanics.
  • At the same time, Kotil was charged with duties of the manager of the department's computer center.
  • From 1994 until 1997, he served as the manager of a technical department at Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
  • Between 2002-03, he worked as the head of the Research, Planning and Coordination Department at Advance Innovative Technologies Inc.
  • in New York.
  • In 2003, he returned to Turkey and was employed by Turkish Airlines in Istanbul becoming its executive vice president in charge of technical affairs.
  • In April 2005, Kotil was appointed to assume the position of the General Manager and CEO of the biggest airline company of Turkey.
  • Kotil retired as CEO of Turkish Airlines in October 2016, being succeeded by Bilal Eksi.Kotil is a member of the Turkish Mechanical Engineering Society since 1991 and has been a member of the Board of Governors at the International Air Transport Association since 2006.
  • In 2010 he was elected as a Board of Governors of Association of European Airlines (AEA) and became Vice President between the years of 2012 and 2013.
  • On 1 January 2014, Kotil became President of the AEA.

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