Terry Harknett, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Terry Harknett

British writer

Date of Birth: 01-Jan-0001

Place of Birth: Essex, England, United Kingdom

Profession: detective writer

Nationality: United Kingdom

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Terry Harknett

  • Terry Harknett (born 1936) is a British author.
  • He is author of almost 200 books, mostly pulp novels in the western and crime genres.
  • He has written as a ghostwriter for Peter Haining and under an array of pseudonyms, including George G.
  • Gilman, Joseph Hedges, William M.
  • James, Charles R.
  • Pike, Thomas H.
  • Stone, Frank Chandler, Jane Harman, Alex Peters, William Pine, William Terry, James Russell and David Ford.
  • Some bibliographies list Adam Hardy as one of Harknett's pseudonyms, in fact a nom de plume of Kenneth Bulmer.
  • This is an error resulting from incorrect copyright information printed in one of the Edge westerns.
  • He has written a number of series including: Steve Wayne (9 books under his own name) Crown (3 books under his own name) Edge (61 books as George G.
  • Gilman) Adam Steele (49 books as George G.
  • Gilman) Edge Meets Adam Steele (3 books as George G.
  • Gilman) The Undertaker (6 books as George G.
  • Gilman) The Revenger (12 books as Joseph Hedges) Apache (27 books as William M.
  • James) Jubal Cade (3 books as Charles R.
  • Pike) Chester Fortune (5 books as Thomas H.
  • Stone)Harknett's westerns have been identified as an influence by authors including Robert J.
  • Randisi and Peter Brandvold.George G.
  • Gilman is one pseudonym, or pen name, of Terry Harknett.
  • Under that name Harknett wrote three series of Western books: Edge, which his US publisher would brand, "The Most Violent Westerns In Print"; Adam Steele (this character and Edge appeared together in three books); and The Undertaker.
  • The Gilman books were known for their sardonic and sarcastic humor and for their very violent content.
  • In 2015 Amazon Studios aired a TV pilot titled Edge based on the book series of the same name, adapted by Shane Black and Fred Dekker and directed by Shane Black.

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