Thandatha Jongilizwe Mabandla, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Thandatha Jongilizwe Mabandla

South African politician

Date of Birth: 16-Apr-1926

Place of Birth: Alice, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Nationality: South Africa

Zodiac Sign: Aries

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About Thandatha Jongilizwe Mabandla

  • Chief Justice Thandathu Jongilizwe Mabandla known as Chief Justice Mabandla (born 16 August 1926) is the chief of the AmaBhele Tribe in Alice (Tyume).
  • He was born on 16 August 1926 and is the eldest son of the late Simolwna Mabandla His reign as chief of the Bhele tribe started sometime around 1957.
  • On 1 January 1968, he became the first chief executive councillor of the Ciskei Territorial Authority and later on August 1st of 1972 ascended to newly created position of Chief Minister.
  • In 1972 Lennox Leslie Wongama Sebe, a member of Mabandla's cabinet, broke with Mabandla and formed his own party, the Ciskei National Independence Party (CNIP).
  • The CNIP became successful in 1973 and Sebe then became the new Chief minister of the Ciskei.
  • In 1978, Mabandla and other members of his party crossed floors to the CNIP and Ciskei became a one-party state.

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