Johann Christoph Pezel, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Johann Christoph Pezel

German violinist, trumpeter and composer

Date of Birth: 05-Dec-1639

Place of Birth: Kłodzko, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, Poland

Date of Death: 13-Oct-1694

Profession: composer, trumpeter

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About Johann Christoph Pezel

  • Johann Christoph Pezel (also Petzold) (1639 – 13 October 1694) was a German violinist, trumpeter, and composer.
  • He lived at Leipzig from 1661 to 1681, with an interruption in 1672, when he entered an Augustinian monastery in Prague, which however he left soon after to become a Protestant.
  • His later years were spent at Bautzen, where (as at Leipzig) he was in municipal employment as Stadtpfeifer and Stadtmusicus.
  • He was renowned as a violinist and clarino trumpet player and published between 1669 and 1686 a considerable number of collections, chiefly of instrumental music, such as Musica vespertina lipsica (1669), Musicalische Seelenerquickungen (1675), Deliciae musicales, oder Lustmusik (1678), Musica curiosa lipsiaca (1686), etc.; also some sacred vocal music and theoretical works.
  • He was influential in the evolution of instrumental forms and the style of orchestral writing.
  • Pezel died in Bautzen, aged 55.
  • His name is sometimes given in the Latinized form Pecelius.

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