Gheorghe Șincai, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Gheorghe Șincai

Romanian poet and historian

Date of Birth: 28-Feb-1754

Place of Birth: Râciu, Mureș County, Romania

Date of Death: 24-Nov-1816

Profession: poet, historian, translator, romanist, philologist, linguist

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Gheorghe Șincai

  • Gheorghe ?incai (Romanian pronunciation: ['ge?orge '?i?kaj]; February 28, 1754 – November 2, 1816) was an ethnic Romanian Transylvanian historian, philologist, translator, poet, and representative of the Enlightenment-influenced Transylvanian School. As the director of Greek Catholic education in Transylvania he brought a fundamental contribution to the process of promoting culture in rural environments.
  • With Samuil Micu he composed the first written grammar of the Romanian language: Elementa linguae daco-romanae sive valachicae (The elements of the Daco-Roman or Wallachian language) (Vienna, 1780), in which he demonstrated the Latin origins of the Romanian language.

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