Tobias Lear (September 19, 1762 – October 11, 1816) is best known as the personal secretary to President George Washington.
Lear served Washington from 1784 until the former-President's death in 1799.
Through Lear's journal, we receive the account of Washington's final moments and his last words: 'Tis well.
Tobias Lear also served as third President Thomas Jefferson's envoy to Saint-Domingue (modern-day Haiti), and as peace envoy in the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa during the First Barbary War (1801–1805) and the Second Barbary War (1815).
He was responsible for negotiating a peace treaty with the Bey of Tripoli that ended the first Barbary War.
Author: Unknown Source: Letters & recollections of George Washington; Being letters to Tobias Lear and others between 1790 and 1799, showing the first American in the management of his estate and domestic affairs, Doubleday: New York, 1906. License: CC-PD-Mark PD Old