Martin Roos, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Martin Roos

Roman Catholic bishop

Date of Birth: 17-Oct-1942

Place of Birth: Satchinez, Timiș County, Romania

Profession: Catholic priest

Nationality: Germany, Romania

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Martin Roos

  • Martin Roos (born October 17, 1942) is a Romanian cleric, bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Timisoara.
  • Born into a Banat Swabian family in Satchinez (Knees), Timis County, he attended the cantors' school in Alba Iulia from 1957 to 1961.
  • He began studying theology at the Roman Catholic Theological Institute of Alba Iulia in 1961, continuing from 1962 to 1969 at Königstein im Taunus in West Germany.
  • In 1971, Carl Joseph Leiprecht ordained him a priest of the Rottenburg Diocese.
  • From that year until 1973, he was assistant priest in Stuttgart.
  • From 1973 to 1974 he was parish administrator in Stimpfach, becoming parish priest in 1974.
  • Following the Romanian Revolution of 1989, his bishop, Walter Kasper, allowed him to return to his native country.
  • In 1990, Timi?oara Bishop Sebastian Kräuter named him director of the diocesan chancery.
  • He became a Monsignor in 1991 and in 1999, following Kräuter's retirement, he was named bishop by Pope John Paul II.

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