Tony Windsor, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Tony Windsor

Australian politician

Date of Birth: 02-Sep-1950

Place of Birth: Quirindi, New South Wales, Australia

Profession: politician, farmer

Nationality: Australia

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Tony Windsor

  • Antony Harold Curties Windsor (born 2 September 1950) is a former Australian politician.
  • Windsor was an independent member for the New South Wales Legislative Assembly seat of Tamworth from 1991 to 2001 - supporting the incumbent Greiner Liberal/National Coalition minority government at the 1991 election. He subsequently entered federal politics, serving as an independent member for the Australian House of Representatives seat of New England from 2001 until retiring in 2013 - supporting the incumbent Gillard Labor minority government at the 2010 election. At the 2016 election, Windsor unsuccessfully attempted to regain the seat of New England against Nationals incumbent Barnaby Joyce.

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