Malibu, CA is an American teen sitcom television program produced by Peter Engel that aired from 1998 to 2000 in syndication.
Co-created by Engel and Carl Kurlander, the show centred on the lives of twin brothers Scott (Trevor Merszei) and Jason Collins (Jason Hayes), who move to Malibu, California from New York City to live with their father, Peter (Edward Blatchford).
Guest appearances on the show included Dennis Haskins (who had previously worked with Engel for several years on Saved by the Bell), Scott Whyte and Marissa Dyan from City Guys, Daniella Deutscher from Hang Time, and model Victoria Silvstedt.
The series was one of two post-Saved by the Bell: The College Years programs executively produced by Peter Engel that did not air on NBC's TNBC lineup, USA High being the other.
Prior to the 2012 premiere of The First Family, Malibu, CA was the last situation comedy to be broadcast for the first-run syndication market.