Villoo Morawala-Patell is the founder and current Chairman and Managing Director of Indian Biotechnology company Avesthagen.
She earned a Master of Science degree in Medical Biochemistry from the University of Mumbai, then a PhD from the Institut de Biologie Moleculaire des Plantes (IBMP-CNRS), University of Strasbourg, France.
Prior to obtaining her doctorate, Morawala-Patell worked as a Research Associate at ICRISAT (International Crop Research Institute for the Semi Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) for 10 years.
After receiving her PhD, she returned to India, becoming a post-doctoral Rockefeller Fellow at the University of Ghent.
Morawala-Patell was next a Visiting Scientist and Rockefeller Fellow at NCBS-TIFR, and Professor Emeritus at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
Morawala-Patell founded Avesthagen Limited in 1998.
The company model is based on the convergence of food, pharmaceuticals and population genetics, leading to Predictive Preventive Personalized Healthcare and Food Security.
During the last two decades, Avesthagen has raised 70 million USD in venture capital and strategic global funding, operating through five subsidiaries: Avesta Nordic Research Pvt.
Ltd, Avesta Good Earth Foods Pvt.
Ltd, AQUAS Pvt.
Ltd, AVA Seeds Pvt.
Ltd and The Avestagenome Project International Pvt.