Vincent Joseph Dunker (December 6, 1878 – March 11, 1974) was a photographer, inventor and camera manufacturer who began his career in Ste.
Genevieve, Missouri in the late 1890s.
Dunker built a wide variety of cameras, contact printers, photo enlargers, and photo booths over a period of thirty-seven years.
In 1924 he began production of his specialty, long roll film cameras intended for taking photos of high school students for yearbooks and individual sale.
By the time Dunker built his last camera in 1961 such annual school photography had become routine in high schools throughout the U.S.
Author: Bill and Patti Naeger, Mark L. Evans Source: Ste. Genevieve - A Leisurely Stroll Through History, page 33, Bill Naeger, Merchant Street Publishing, Ste. Genevieve, Mo 63670. 1999. License: GFDL