Walter Kaegi, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Walter Kaegi

American historian

Date of Birth: 08-Nov-1937

Place of Birth: New Albany, Indiana, United States

Profession: historian, university teacher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Walter Kaegi

  • Walter Emil Kaegi (born 1937) is a historian and scholar of Byzantine History, professor of history at the University of Chicago, and a Voting Member of The Oriental Institute.
  • He received his B.A.
  • from Haverford College in 1959 and his PhD from Harvard University in 1965.
  • He is known for his researches on the period from the fourth through eleventh centuries with a special interest in the advance of Islam, interactions with religion and thought, and military subjects.
  • Kaegi is also distinguished for analyzing the Late Roman period in European and Mediterranean context, and has written extensively on Roman, Vandal, Byzantine and Muslim occupation of North Africa.
  • He is known also as the co-founder of the Byzantine Studies Conference and the editor of the journal Byzantinische Forschungen.

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