Werner Krieglstein, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Werner Krieglstein

Philosopher, Transcendental Perspectivism & Collective Organization

Date of Birth: 31-Oct-1941

Place of Birth: Blatnice, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic

Profession: philosopher

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

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About Werner Krieglstein

  • Werner Josef Krieglstein (born October 31, 1941), a Fulbright Scholar and University of Chicago fellow, is an award winning and internationally recognized scholar, director and actor.
  • Krieglstein is the founder of a neo-Nietzschean philosophical school called Transcendental Perspectivism.
  • Krieglstein's "philosophy of compassion" has been the subject of symposium lectures at many prominent conferences including the UNESCO section of the World Congress of Philosophy conference in Seoul Korea (August, 2008), the ISAIL "Fields of Conflict-Fields of Wisdom": 4th International Congress in Wuerzburg, Germany (May, 2008), the meeting of the American Philosophical Association in Washington D.C.
  • (Symposium Chair: Sept.
  • 2006), and the ISUD Fourth World Conference of the International Society for Universal Dialogue (Summer, 2001), among many others.

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