Westbrook Pegler, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Westbrook Pegler

American investigative journalist

Date of Birth: 02-Aug-1894

Place of Birth: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Date of Death: 24-Jun-1969

Profession: war correspondent, columnist, journalist

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Leo

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About Westbrook Pegler

  • Francis James Westbrook Pegler (August 2, 1894 – June 24, 1969) was an American journalist and writer.
  • He was a popular columnist in the 1930s and 1940s famed for his opposition to the New Deal and labor unions.
  • Pegler aimed his pen at presidents of both parties, including Herbert Hoover, FDR ("moosejaw"), Harry Truman ("a thin-lipped hater"), and John F.
  • Kennedy.
  • He also criticized the Supreme Court, the tax system, and corrupt labor unions, winning a Pulitzer Prize for the last.
  • In 1962, he lost his contract with King Features Syndicate, owned by the Hearst Corporation, after he started criticizing Hearst executives.
  • His late writing appeared sporadically in publications that included the John Birch Society's American Opinion.

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