William Dawson Lawrence (16 July 1817 – 8 December 1886) was a successful shipbuilder, businessman and politician.
He built the William D.
Lawrence, which is reported to be the largest wooden ship ever built in Canada.In 1874, W.D.
Lawrence's great ship was reported to have been the largest wooden sailing ship in the world.
The William D.
Lawrence represents the pinnacle of W.D.'s career as a marine architect, businessman, and politician.
He built the ship in Maitland, Hants County, Nova Scotia.
The vessel was 263 feet long.
Renowned historian Frederick William Wallace writes,
"It was a memorable event in Canadian ship-building annals when his big ship took the water, and had it been elsewhere but in a quiet little Nova Scotia town on the banks of the Shubenacadie River, there would have been a great furor, and Lawrence's genius and skill would have been proclaimed to the four corners of the earth."