William Flynn Martin (born October 4, 1950) is an American energy economist, educator and international diplomat.
Martin served as Special Assistant to President Reagan for National Security Affairs, Executive Secretary of the National Security Council in the West Wing of the White House and Deputy Secretary of the Department of Energy during the Ronald Reagan administration.
He was President of the Council of the University for Peace, appointed to the Council by Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan.
In 1992, he was Executive Director of the Republican Platform committee under George H.W.
William Martin received seven personal letters of merit from Ronald Reagan.
He was also honored by former Czech President Vaclav Havel for creating the highest ranking security scholars program in the Czech Republic which has led to over 400 Czech graduates since its inception in 2000.
On May 8, 2018 he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star by Emperor Akihito of Japan in a ceremony in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo for his work in strengthening US-Japan cooperation in nuclear energy.
Martin has been honored by the US Department of Energy, receiving the highest award of the Department for leading US energy policy, chairing the Department’s Nuclear Energy Advisory Committee, initiating the ITER fusion project in l985 and being a father of the Human Genome Program (1986).
Please reference this with PDF Salute to Bill Martin.
Martin was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
He achieved his Bachelor of Science from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in 1972 and his Master of Science from MIT in 1974.
His master's thesis was the basis of an article he co-authored with George Cabot Lodge in the March, 1975 Harvard Business Review entitled Our Society in 1985: Business May Not Like It.William F.
Martin’s official White House government National Security Council files are available in the Ronald Reagan Library archive.