William P. MacKinnon, Date of Birth


William P. MacKinnon

American historian

Date of Birth: 10-Dec-1938

Profession: historian

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

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About William P. MacKinnon

  • William P.
  • MacKinnon, an American independent historian.
  • A management consultant, MacKinnon is a historian of the American West, Mormon history, and Utah history who was described by Richard E.
  • Turley in 2018 as "the acknowledged expert" and by Thomas G.
  • Alexander in 2019 as "the most knowledgable authority" on what was known in its time as the American War of the Mormons' Succession (or more recently "the Utah War"), a topic of which MacKinnon began his study as a Yale sophomore history major in 1958.
  • In 2018, MacKinnon presented the 35th Juanita Brooks Lecture at Dixie State University: "Across the Desert in 1858: Thomas L.
  • Kane’s Mediating Mission and the Mormon Women who Made it Possible." As of 2010, MacKinnon lived in Santa Barbara with his wife, Patricia.

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