Winfrid Oldfield Burrows DD (9 November 1858 – 13 February 1929) was the Bishop of Truro and later Chichester in the first third of the 20th century.
Born into an ecclesiastical family, Burrows was educated at Eton and Corpus Christi College, Oxford and ordained in 1888.
Appointed a Tutor at Christ Church, Oxford in 1883 he was later Principal of the Leeds Clergy School and afterwards Vicar of Holy Trinity in the same city.
He was vicar of St Augustine's Church, Edgbaston from 1903 to 1912 and was named Archdeacon of Birmingham in 1904.
In 1908 he turned down the post of Archbishop of Cape Town before accepting the Truro See in 1912.
In a strange twist of fate, William Champion Streatfeild, Burrows' Suffragan at the time of Burrows' death, died three days after Burrows' passing.Burrows was a High Churchman, and while Bishop of Truro, he emphasised the importance of the services of the Book of Common Prayer; a book of services for special occasions which he compiled and authorised was entirely based on the contents of the prayer book and on Scripture.
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