Zina Goldstein (1894–?) was a Yiddish theater actress and singer.
She was born in Minsk, before moving to Warsaw.
Her parents, who were also musical, supported her becoming a singer.
She joined Aryeh Schlossberg's chorus and was given small roles.
She became the prima donna in Abram Yitzhak Zandberg's Groys teater in Lódz, then worked in Rapel's troupe and for a short time in Kaminsky's.
After the outbreak of the first world war, she became the primadonna in Lódz's Scala Theater, run by Julius Adler (b.
1880) and Herman Sierocki, where she played in a number of European operettas.In 1920 she was hired by Boris Thomashevsky in New York, where she played in Dos ungarishe meydl.
She later co-directed the Liberty Theater with Roland and with Louis Goldberg, whom she married.
In 1989 she played at Max Gebil's Public Theater (as Zina Goldberg).
"The Public Theatre carries an able cast to supplement the work of Satz.
In Zina Goldstein they have an actress that emanates life, and who possesses a voice of fine culture."