Zófimo Consiglieri Pedroso, Date of Birth, Date of Death


Zófimo Consiglieri Pedroso

Portuguese politician and writer

Date of Birth: 10-Mar-1851

Date of Death: 03-Sep-1910

Profession: writer, politician

Nationality: Portugal

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Zófimo Consiglieri Pedroso

  • Zófimo Consiglieri Pedroso (1851–1910) was a Portuguese historian, writer, teacher, ethnographer, essayist and folklorist.
  • A collector of a large body of folklore, which became popular and translated before the works of Adolfo Coelho, his Portuguese Folk-Tales were issued in England before their native publication.Initially militant of the Progressive Party and then Republican activist, was member of the court of the Portuguese Constitutional Monarchy, elected by the constituency of Lisbon.
  • Known for its abilities with speech and improvisation, rarely having to write its own speeches, got famous for the penetration of its flyers and as a Republican doctrinaire known for its enthusiasm and literary knowledge, having published several books and brochures with propaganda theme.
  • He was devoted to the study of ethnography and was one of the introducers of anthropology in Portugal, studying myths, popular traditions and superstitions, activities that demonstrate that he was a scholar of high level from the last quarter of the nineteenth century, deeply imbued with humanist values and revealing himself brilliant essayist.
  • He was president of the Lisbon Geographic Society and effective member of the Sciences Academy of Lisbon.

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