Ðuro Feric, also Giorgio Ferrich, (May 5, 1739 – 1820) was a Croatian poet and a Jesuit vicar general of the Republic of Ragusa.
As a poet, he belonged to the Illyrian circle in Ragusa (now Dubrovnik, Croatia).
Illyric/Illyrian/Slovin were synonymous with the Croatian language at that time.
His collection of Illyrian fables, published in Ragusa in 1794, bore the Latin title Fabulae ab Illyricis adagiis disumptae, and a second similar text, existing only in manuscript, was titled: Adagia illirycae linguae fabulis explicata.
An unpublished collection of his own Slavic poems was titled in Latin: Slavica Poematia Latine reddita.
In the second decade of the 19th century he published in Ragusa two further works in Croatian (Slovinski).
Feric put together a collection of short poems in praise of those Ragusan poets who wrote in the Illyrian language, such as Dominko Zlataric's translation of Sophocles and Ivan Gundulic's Osman.