Diana Helena Maffía (born 19 September 1953) is an Argentine academic and politician.
With a PhD in philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Maffía is a professor of undergraduate and postgraduate programs at UBA and other national and international universities.
She is a researcher at UBA's Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies (IIEGE), founded the Argentine Network of Gender, Science, and Technology in 1994, and was a member of the Argentine Association of Women in Philosophy from 1987 to 1991.
She has directed research projects and doctoral and master's theses.
She is the author of numerous books and articles.
She served as deputy ombudsman (1998–2003) and city deputy of Buenos Aires (2007–2011), receiving Parlamentario Awards for each year of her legislative work.
Since 2012, she has directed the Observatory on Gender in Justice, which reports to the Buenos Aires Council of Magistrates.
Other awards and mentions include the Dignity Award from the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights in 2001, and the Konex Award Diploma of Merit in 2016.