Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Alfred Fleckeisen, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Alfred Fleckeisen

German philologist

Date of Birth: 20-Sep-1820

Place of Birth: WolfenbĂĽttel, Lower Saxony, Germany

Date of Death: 07-Aug-1899

Profession: high school teacher, linguist, classical philologist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

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About Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Alfred Fleckeisen

  • Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Alfred Fleckeisen (September 23, 1820 in WolfenbĂĽttel – August 7, 1899 in Dresden) was a German philologist and critic.
  • He is best known for his work on Plautus and Terence. He was educated at the Helmstedt gymnasium and the University of Göttingen.
  • After holding several educational posts at Frankfurt am Main and Dresden, in 1861 he was appointed in the vice-principalship of the Vitzthum-Gymnasium at Dresden, which he held until his retirement in 1889.
  • Fleckeisen is chiefly known for his labors on Plautus and Terence; in the knowledge of these authors he was unrivalled, except perhaps by Ritschl, his lifelong friend and a worker in the same field.
  • His chief works are: Exercitationes Plautinae (1842), one of the most masterly productions on the language of Plautus; Analecta Plautina, printed in Philologus (1847); Plauti Comoediae (Vols.
  • I and II, 1850-1851, unfinished), introduced by an “Epistula critica ad F.
  • Ritschelium”; P.
  • Terenti Afri Comoediae (new ed., 1898).
  • In his editions he endeavoured to restore the text in accordance with the results of his researches on the usages of the Latin language and meter.
  • He attached great importance to the question of orthography, and his short treatise FĂĽnfzig Artikel (1861) is considered most valuable.
  • Fleckeisen also contributed largely to the JahrbĂĽcher fĂĽr Philologie und Pädagogik, the philology department of which he was for many years editor of.

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