William L. Clayton, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


William L. Clayton

American businessperson

Date of Birth: 07-Feb-1880

Place of Birth: Tupelo, Mississippi, United States

Date of Death: 08-Feb-1966

Profession: politician, entrepreneur, civil servant

Nationality: United States

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About William L. Clayton

  • William Lockhart "Will" Clayton (February 7, 1880 – February 8, 1966) was an American business leader and government official.
  • Much of his business career centered on cotton trading.
  • He and his three brothers-in-law formed a partnership that grew into the Anderson, Clayton and Company, at one time the world's largest cotton trading company.
  • Politically aligned with the Democratic Party, he opposed some of President Franklin D.
  • Roosevelt's agricultural policies.
  • He repudiated his opposition after Roosevelt's Secretary of State Cordell Hull worked for a reciprocal trade agreement.Returning to government service in 1940, Clayton first Later in World War II, he took on a number of roles in the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.
  • He first served as deputy to the coordinator of inter-American affairs.
  • For the next four years he held a variety of high-level positions with the Export-Import Bank, the Department of Commerce, and wartime agencies.
  • He served as assistant, and then as deputy Secretary of State for economic affairs from December 1944 to October 1947, where he was primarily concerned with working on the Marshall Plan.
  • He returned to Houston and private life in late 1947, though he continued to serve the government as a participant and contributor to various international conferences on world trade and other economic issues.

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