Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel

German gynaecologist

Date of Birth: 28-Jun-1862

Place of Birth: Berlin

Date of Death: 03-Jul-1909

Profession: university teacher, gynaecologist

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

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About Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel

  • Hermann Johannes Pfannenstiel (28 June 1862 – 3 July 1909) was a German gynecologist born in Berlin. In 1885 he received his doctorate in Berlin and afterwards worked as a hospital assistant in Posen.
  • He later moved to Breslau, where in 1896 he became an associate professor.
  • In 1902 he was appointed chair of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Giessen, and five years later, he attained a similar position at the University of Kiel.From 1891 he was secretary of the German Society for Gynaecology (Deutsche Gesellschaft fĂĽr Gynäkologie).
  • Beginning in 1896, he was co-editor of the journal Archiv fĂĽr Gynäkologie (Archives of Gynaecology).Among his better known publications were works on ovarian pathology, uterine tumors and the formation of carcinomas following ovariotomy.
  • In 1908 he was the first physician to give a comprehensive description of familial icterus gravis neonatorum.Pfannenstiel is best remembered for the eponymous Pfannenstiel incision, a transverse incision used in genitourinary surgery that is still widely used today.
  • He published his paper in 1900 when he described 51 cases.
  • His intent was to decrease the risk of an incisional hernia; results also proved to be cosmetically better.On 3 July 1909 at the age of 47, Pfannenstiel died from sepsis after having injured his finger during surgery for a tubo-ovarian abscess.
  • He was the father of Wilhelm Pfannenstiel.
  • Pfannenstiel married Elisabeth Behlendorff in 1889.

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