Ignaz Vincenz Zingerle, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Ignaz Vincenz Zingerle

Austrian poet

Date of Birth: 06-Jun-1825

Place of Birth: Merano, Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy

Date of Death: 17-Sep-1892

Profession: writer, poet, author, university teacher

Nationality: Germany

Zodiac Sign: Gemini

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About Ignaz Vincenz Zingerle

  • Ignaz Vincenz Zingerle (6 June 1825 – 17 September 1892) was an Austrian poet and scholar. Zingerle was born, the son of the Roman Catholic theologian and orientalist Pius Zingerle (1801-1881), at Meran.
  • He began his studies at Trento, and entered for a while the Benedictine monastery at Marienberg.
  • Abandoning the clerical profession, he returned to Innsbruck, where, in 1848, he became teacher in the gymnasium, and in 1859 professor of German language and literature at the university.
  • He died at Innsbruck in September 1892. Zingerle is known as author through his Zeitgedichte (Innsbruck, 1848); Von den Alpen (1850); Die MĂĽllerin, a village tale (1853); Der Bauer von Longfall (1874); and Erzählungen aus dem Burggrafenamte (1884).
  • His ethnographical writings and literary studies, dealing especially with Tirol, have, however, rendered him more famous.
  • Among them may be mentioned his editions of König Laurin (1859), of the legend, Von den heyligen drei Königen (1855); Sagen aus Tirol (1850, 2nd ed.
  • 1891); Tirol: Natur, Geschichte und Sage im Spiegel deutscher Dichtung (1851); Die Personen- und Taufnamen Tirols (1855); Sitten, Bräuche und Meinungen des Tiroler Volkes (2nd ed.
  • 1871); Das deutsche Kinderspiel im Mittelalter (2nd ed.
  • 1873); Schildereien aus Tirol (1877, new series, 1888).
  • With E.
  • Inama-Sternegg, he edited Tirolische WeisthĂĽmer (5 vols., 1875-1891).

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