Elisabeth Mulder, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Elisabeth Mulder

Spanish writer

Date of Birth: 09-Feb-1904

Place of Birth: Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Date of Death: 28-Nov-1987

Profession: writer, poet, translator, journalist, literary critic, novelist, lecturer

Nationality: Spain

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Elisabeth Mulder

  • Elisabeth Mulder Pierluisi (married name, Elizabeth Mulder de Dauner; Barcelona, 9 February 1904 - Barcelona, 28 November 1987) was a Spanish writer, poet, translator, journalist and literary critic.
  • Her father, Enrique Mulder GarcĂ­a (Marquis of Tedema Toelosdorp of the Netherlands) was a Dutch-Spaniard doctor; her mother was Zoraida Pierluigi Grau, a Puerto Rican with Italian and Catalonian ancestry.
  • Though she inherited the Marquise of Tedema Toelosdorp title, she never used it.
  • The poet, journalist, and athlete, Ana MarĂ­a MartĂ­nez Sagi, considered Mulder to be her great love, but family kept them separated.

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