Johannes Voet, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Johannes Voet

Dutch legal scholar

Date of Birth: 03-Oct-1647

Place of Birth: Utrecht, Netherlands

Date of Death: 09-Sep-1713

Profession: jurist, university teacher

Nationality: Netherlands

Zodiac Sign: Libra

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About Johannes Voet

  • Johannes Voet, also known as John Voet (3 October 1647 – 11 September 1713) was a Dutch jurist whose work remains highly influential in modern Roman-Dutch law.Voet is one of the so-called "old authorities" of Roman-Dutch law, along with Hugo Grotius, Simon van Leeuwen (nl), Joan Cos, Gerhard Noodt, Zacharias Huber, Cornelius van Bynkershoek, Hobins van der Vorm, Gerloff Scheltinga (de), Willem Schorer (nl), Franciscus Lievens Kersteman, J.
  • Munniks, Hendrik Jan Arntzenius (fr), Arent Lybrechts, Johan Jacob van Hasselet, Gerard de Haas, Cornelis Willem Decker, Didericus Lulius, Renier van Spaan, Dionysius Godefridus van der Keessel, and Johan van der Linden.

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