Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf


Date of Birth: 26-Jan-1839

Place of Birth: Verona, Veneto, Italy

Date of Death: 01-Sep-1919

Profession: astronomer, university teacher, botanist, mycologist

Nationality: Austria

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf

  • Gustav Niessl von Mayendorf (26 April 1839 in Verona – 1 September 1919 in Hütteldorf, Vienna; often cited as G.
  • von Niessl), was an Austrian astronomer and mycologist.Niessl, the son of an artillery officer, studied at the Polytechnic in Vienna in 1857 and became assistant to practical geometry.
  • In 1859 he took the chair of practical geometry at German Technical University in Brno, where he became a full professor in 1860 and later taught applied geometry, astronomy and higher geodesy.
  • He became the director in 1868/1869.
  • After this technical college, he was its rector in 1877/78 and 1888/89.
  • In 1907 he retired (and in the same year received an honorary doctorate).
  • For several decades he was secretary of the Natural Science Society in Brno. Niessl was first engaged in geodesy.
  • As an astronomer, he was employed with Niessl meteor orbits and also wrote the article in the Enzyklopädie der mathematischen Wissenschaften (Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences) (1907).
  • Niessl was also a significant mycologist and mushroom collector, whose collection is currently housed at the Botanical State Collection Munich.
  • He was regarded as an expert in the flora of Moravia and Silesia, and had close contact with the botanist Gottlob Ludwig Rabenhorst. Two fungal species were named after him.
  • He was particularly concerned with microscopic sac fungi, slime molds, and rusts. From 1904 until his death, he was a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
  • He was also a member of the Austrian Commission for International Geodesy and the Austrian Patent Court.

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