Leif Øgaard, Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Leif Øgaard

Norwegian chess player

Date of Birth: 05-Jan-1952

Place of Birth: Norway

Profession: chess player

Nationality: Norway

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

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About Leif Øgaard

  • Leif Øgaard (born 5 January 1952) is a Norwegian chess player.
  • He is the ninth Norwegian to achieve the title of Grandmaster.
  • Øgaard has won the Norwegian Chess Championship five times, in 1974, 1975, 1979, 1985 and 1993.
  • He gained his IM title in 1974.
  • In 1981 and 1982, Øgaard won two tournaments at Gausdal, each netting him a GM-norm.
  • His third and final GM-norm was won in the Norwegian team chess championship in 2006–2007, making him the very first person to score 2 GM norms with a 25-year gap in-between as well as one of the oldest players to be awarded the Grandmaster title.
  • The GM title was finally approved at FIDE's presidential board meeting in Tallinn on 22–24 June 2007.
  • Øgaard is a member of the Oslo chess club Oslo Schackselskap.

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