Tobin Jay Marks (born November 25, 1944) is the Vladimir N.
Ipatieff Professor of Catalytic Chemistry and Professor of Material Science and Engineering, Department of Chemistry, Northwestern University.
Among the themes of his research are synthetic organo-f-element and early-transition metal organometallic chemistry, polymer chemistry, materials chemistry, homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis, molecule-based photonic materials, superconductivity, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, and biological aspects of transition metal chemistry.
Marks received his B.S.
from the University of Maryland in 1966 in chemistry, which is part of the University of Maryland College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences.
Then he received his Ph.D.
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1971.
He came to Northwestern University in the fall of 1970.
As of April 2009, Marks has mentored over 100 PhD students and nearly 100 postdoctoral fellows.
More than 90 of these alumni hold academic positions worldwide.
He has published over 1245 research articles and holds 260 patents.