Ilah (cartoons), Date of Birth, Place of Birth


Ilah (cartoons)

Belgian cartoonist and comic book author

Date of Birth: 25-Jan-1971

Place of Birth: Leuven, Flemish Region, Belgium

Profession: comics artist, cartoonist

Nationality: Belgium

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

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About Ilah (cartoons)

  • Ilah is the nom de plume of Inge Liesbeth Alfonsina Heremans (Leuven, January 25, 1971), a Belgian comic book artist, mainly known for her Cordelia series, a gag-a-day comic about a young woman, which has gained popularity and notoriety for openly but tastefully dealing with themes like sex and masturbation.
  • Ilah is also a prominent illustrator of advertisements for the Antwerp book festival De Boekenbeurs and the bus company De Lijn.

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