Marie Clément Gaston Gautier, Date of Birth, Place of Birth, Date of Death


Marie Clément Gaston Gautier

French botanist

Date of Birth: 14-Mar-1841

Place of Birth: Narbonne, Occitania, France

Date of Death: 07-Oct-1911

Profession: winegrower, agronomist, botanist

Nationality: France

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

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About Marie Clément Gaston Gautier

  • Marie Clément Gaston Gautier (10 April 1841 – 7 October 1911) was a French botanist and agriculturalist. Gautier was born in Narbonne, and collected plants in the vicinity of his native city as well as in the Corbières and Pyrenees.
  • These specimens became an important part of an impressive herbarium that he had amassed during his career.
  • As an agriculturalist, he was at the forefront of issues that included swamp drainage, reclamation of barren land, and modern viticultural practices. Among his published works were Catalogue raisonné de la flore des Pyrénées-Orientales (Catalogue raisonné on the flora of Pyrénées-Orientales, 1898) and Catalogue de la flore des Corbières (Catalog on the flora of the Corbières, being published posthumously in 1912).
  • Other noted works by Gautier include: Rapport sur les herborisations dans les environs de Narbonne, instituées par le Comice agricole de l'arrondissement de Narbonne 1876 - Report on herborizations near Narbonne, etc. Hieraciotheca Gallica et Hispanica (with Casimir Arvet-Touvet 1841-1913), Exsiccatae: twenty fascicles between 1897 and 1908.

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