David Ferdinand Koreff (1 February 1783 – 15 May 1851) was a German physician who was a personal doctor of Staatskanzler Karl August von Hardenberg and occupied one of the two chairs for animal magnetism created in 1817 at the University of Berlin.
A personal friend of E.T.A.
Hoffmann and a member of his literary club The Serapion Brethren (Serapionsbrüder), Koreff authored a treatise “Über die Erscheinungen des Lebens und über die Gesetze, nach denen es im menschlichen Organismus sich offenbart” and a volume of lyric poetry "Lyrische Gedichte" (published in Paris in 1815).
A year after Hoffmann’s death in 1822, Koreff moved to Paris to become the most celebrated authority on animal magnetism for the French literary world.